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dimanche 11 novembre 2012

Decision 2012: Time for the Red Cross Red Crescent to vote!

Decision 2012: Time for the Red Cross Red Crescent to vote! Une des photos de latrines de notre projet watsan a été sélectionné parmi les 12 meilleures. Merci de voter tous en notre faveur pour remporter le prix. Cliquez le lien pour voter http://www.ifrcmedia.org/blog/world-toilet-day-19-november-cast-your-vote VOTE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE RC RC TOILET PHOTO!!!! In conjunction with World Toilet Day (19th November), IFRC launched a "Toilets Around the World” photo competition to help source photos that highlight the dignity provided by a toilet that has been built as part of the great work that Red Cross Red Crescent is doing around the world. The photo competition will also help to draw attention to the 2.6 billion worldwide that don’t have a toilet. We got some great photos from RC RC staff and volunteers from across the globe. Now it’s time to pick your favourite! Voting is open! Deadline for voting is 18th November, 2012 Vote here: http://www.ifrcmedia.org/blog/world-toilet-day-19-november-cast-your-vote Do your duty. VOTE!!